Shhh… If you are a Online Coach who hates taking sales calls,

Here is something AMAZING we are COOKING IN THE LAB for you…

The Secret To Separating Yourself From All The Noise And Become The Highest Paid Go-To Coach In Your Niche!

Without spending endless hours on sales calls, or losing money on paid ads.

The Secret To Separating Yourself From All The Noise And Become The Highest Paid Go-To Coach In Your Niche!

Without spending endless hours on sales calls, or losing money on paid ads.

Dear Online Coach

Are You...

  • Struggling to have a unique voice in a saturated market?

  • Unable to find premium clients who are willing to pay your worth?

  • Finding it hard to hit your monthly income goal despite all your hard work?

  • Investing in ad campaigns that yield little or no conversions?

  • Thinking of shutting down your program because you are losing money every month?

If you answered YES to any of these questions.

Then this might be the ANSWER you are looking for.

When you started your coaching business, you wanted to use your expertise to impact others. But you discovered a different reality coming into the online space.

Your voice is drowned in a saturated niche, and no one is buying your offer. It’s like you’re going invisible… 

Yet, online gurus tell you to spend another $5k-$20k to buy a high-ticket course promising to help you make more.

But investing in another high-ticket course is not an assurance that this next spend has all the solutions you are currently seeking.

When you started your coaching business, you wanted to use your expertise to impact others.

But you discovered a different reality coming into the online space… your voice is drowned in a saturated niche, and no one is buying your offer… it’s like you’re going invisible… 

Yet, online gurus tell you to spend another $5k-$20k to buy a high-ticket course promising to help you make more…

But investing in another high-ticket course is not an assurance that this next spend has all the solutions you are currently seeking.

You Keep Asking Yourself:

“When Will This End?...

How Can I Become As Successful As These Gurus?”

Truth is, these online gurus can consistently run expensive ad campaigns selling all kinds of offers, and stay profitable because they have hidden strategies they don’t share…

My goal here is to let you in on these secrets.

But before I do, let me tell you a little about myself…

I was once in Your exact situation

I started my coaching business because I knew I had the expertise and experience to change people’s lives.

I also hoped that once I began helping real clients, it wouldn’t be long before my money problems became a thing of the past…

Months after my official launch, I barely attracted any clients.

I hired an agency to run ads…A few leads started coming in, and I started taking 5-7 calls daily…

But I could not convert those leads because they had no previous connection with my brand, and I was terrible at taking sales calls…

These prospects only wanted to pick my brain and after an hour of giving value, they were unwilling to pay for my services…

I was burning my pockets on ads that didn't convert…

I created multiple offers, yet no one signed up…

My family didn’t understand why I was wasting time and money on my coaching dream when I couldn’t pay my bills or take care of them…

They thought I would be better off getting a job.

Things got worse, and I got evicted… I was homeless and depressed.

I couldn’t help myself and felt trapped in a cycle of failure as these questions raced in my head…

How can I…

  • Attract only premium clients who are willing to pay me my worth?

  • Pre-qualify and close more clients in a day than I could in a month without wasting time taking a sales call?

  • Deeply connect with clients who are delighted about my solution and won't stop speaking about their remarkable results with their friends?

  • Leverage technology to successfully scale my coaching business without having any tech skills.

All of that changed in 2021 when I accepted: there must be someone out there who has walked the path that I'm trying to go on…

I stopped trying to figure it out myself and started searching for people who knew what I didn’t know…

It was like I finally woke up from my slumber…

I met my mentor who unlocked the hidden secrets of profitable online coaching.

After I applied these Secrets.

I had more people than I could handle craving for my offer… The money started rolling in...

Premium clients began to look for my solution. They were practically begging me to take their money…

I closed more clients in a day than I could in a month Without Taking A Single Sales Call…

Heck, I compounded my income month over month…

Now, I’m willing to help other coaches do the same…

Because I have since realized…

You can have the most amazing product in the world, but it will never reach its full potential if you don't have an effective positioning strategy that would attract a wave of raving fans, ready to pay your price.

While the journey has been difficult, overcoming those challenges has made me a truly battle-tested expert dedicated to guiding others through to the success they deserve.

Now, I’m the guy who coaches come to when they need to become the go-to coach and attract premium clients without having to spend all day taking calls or losing money on paid ads.

My Specialty?

Helping clients find their unique voice so they can stand out as top dogs in their niche, attracting only premium buyers to their offers. 

I've got proven strategies to make selling your coaching programs more fun and very lucrative.

Why do you think these gurus can afford to spend thousands on ads, attracting only quality leads, and enroll more clients in a day than they could in a month without a sales team?


You know? I get what it's like to do everything by the book, only to end up with nothing to show for it. At some point, you begin to blame your luck and think nothing will ever work out anymore. 

I know this because this was the same fate I brutally suffered for over 2 solid years until I finally uncovered where I got it all wrong! That was when I discovered the shortcut to my success…

This hidden technique is what I have since used to transform my life and compound my income monthly, without spending all day taking sales calls, allowing me more time with my clients and loved ones.… 

My goal is not for you to only use this technique to get off the shaky ground… far from it…

I want you to compound your income consistently, create more time to serve the people you set out to help, and not lose yourself or your family while doing that.

Imagine you..

  • Are the go-to coach and recognized as a thought leader in your niche

  • Attract a wave of premium clients who are willing to pay you more

  • Enroll more clients in a day than you could in a month

  • Deliver amazing results that exceed your clients' wildest dreams

  • Have a profitable coaching business that practically runs itself

  • Have more time to spend with loved ones and

  • Have the freedom to take your work with you while traveling around the world…

These are only possible when you implement the Golden Strategies we will share with you.

Of course, I could easily sell you a high-ticket course, publish this in a book or invite you to an online workshop, then leave you to your fate…

But how am I sure this technique will produce the same results for you as it did for me if I don’t hold you by the hand and help you achieve your goals?

For the first time ever, we decided to create an exclusive community for passionate coaches like you to implement the power of this hidden strategy

But it is impossible to know if our solution is a good fit for you if we don’t know:

✅ Who you are,

✅ What you stand for

✅ The results you help your clients achieve, and

✅ How our solution aligns with your core value.

To help us develop a fantastic solution guaranteed to get you results, we need to know your specific needs, so we can tailor our solution to meet you where you currently are and perfectly align with your goals.

Unfortunately, we can’t work with every coach seeking help…

We want to ensure this is an intimate community of passionate coaches who are committed to their craft, eager to explore new strategies and believe in the power of collaboration…

So, to get access to this life-changing information, you have to be someone who is…

  • Interested in genuinely helping your clients better their lives.

  • Willing to do what it takes to succeed 

  • Coachable and willing to invest in yourself

  • Ready to create products and services that solve real problems

  • Seeking a proven system that allows you to scale your business

These are the only kind of coaches we can open our doors to.

If this sounds anything like you, click the link below to show your interest in joining this exclusive community, and you will be the first to know the minute we open the doors.

❌ no credit card required

❌ no payment required

❌ no tricky upsell behind this page.

join the waiting list now to indicate your interest, by sharing your specific situation with us.


Iyke Okogwu

Founder,Transactport iT.

Thank you for your time.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the community starting?

We're currently finalizing the launch details for the exclusive community and will announce the launch date sooner than you expect. By joining the waiting list today, you'll be notified first when the doors open. This ensures you get priority access and any exclusive launch offers we might have available.

What is the cost of joining the exclusive community?

We're currently focused on delivering value but we will notify everyone who qualifies on the waiting list when we set a price. And as a thank you, early adopters like you will be rewarded with incentives. So, kindly join the waiting list and work with us in delivering a solution that perfectly aligns with your goals and current circumstances. 

What are the exact benefits that I will get?

Inside this exclusive community, you'll gain proven strategies, tools, and resources that you can instantly apply to transform your coaching business and share the same room with next level online coaches. Your network is your networth.

What if the community isn't a good fit?

The community will only not be a good fit if you don’t participate in helping us understand your current business needs. To ensure it is a good fit, join the waiting list and work with us to build the perfect solution for you.

What happens after I join the waiting list?

After joining the waiting list, we'll send you a welcome email and keep you updated on the exclusive community launch, including exciting announcements, sneak peeks, and any special offers available to all waitlist members.  Be sure to WHITELIST our email address to ensure you don't miss anything!

Is there any support offered after joining the community?

Absolutely! We understand that building a successful coaching business requires ongoing support. That's why you'll have access to our dedicated team and other like-minded coaches when you join the movement today.

Transactport iT


IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers.

This site is not part of or endorsed by, Facebook, Google, Snapchat, X, or any Social Media Platform in any way.

All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used on this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YouTube and GOOGLE are trademarks of GOOGLE, LLC. SNAPCHAT is a trademark of SNAP, Inc. X is a trademark of X, Inc.

Full Disclosure:

Yes, Iyke Okogwu is a Business Coach that delivers transformational results for everyone one of his clients, but the examples are for illustration purposes only and not a guarantee that you will experience the exact same results. Obviously, anyone who does nothing get nothing. Your results may vary.

Success is hard. We coach every one of our clients through fear, overwhelm and challenges to find success.

Every business is different, therefore your results will be different. If you are looking for a “Get Rich Quick” or “Get Rich Easy” scheme, please look elsewhere.

Transactport iT© 2024